Reliability is a core priority in every design we create. By focusing on reliability, we maximize uptime and minimize the risk of failure, leading to efficient, long-lasting solutions.
In mechanical engineering, we push the boundaries of what is physically feasible. Time and again, we come up with an innovative product or system product that can deliver exceptional performance or provide unique functionality. We cover the full mechanical design process, from weighing design alternatives to physically realizing one-off deliverables or prototype products and preparing series production/assembly. To best meet customer as well as end-user requirements, we always strive for the optimal, well-founded solution in terms of performance, cost and lead time, without taking shortcuts or oversizing the design.
Demcon life science & health delivers advanced solutions in medical technology, focusing on safe and effective medical products. Our expertise in CAD modeling and simulations enables the design of dynamic and opto-mechanical systems that meet the highest standards.
With dedicated attention to biocompatibility, sterility, and cleanability, we create safe and durable products suited for medical applications. Our choice of materials ensures sterilization compatibility and long-term reliability, with innovation and quality at the forefront.
Reliability is a core priority in every design we create. By focusing on reliability, we maximize uptime and minimize the risk of failure, leading to efficient, long-lasting solutions.
Our DfX methodology emphasizes ease of assembly to reduce complexity, save time, and lower production costs.
Maintenance and repair are critical to a product’s long-term success. With DfX, we focus on designing products that are easy to service, with accessible components and intuitive interfaces.
We incorporate cost-effective materials and efficient production processes, ensuring our products provide optimal value for clients while meeting high industry standards.
Demcon life sciences & health provides advanced industrialization and design for production (DFP) solutions, ensuring high quality and efficiency in every application. We utilize methods such as sheet metal manufacturing, machining, molding/casting, additive manufacturing, and surface treatment to produce high-performance components. These techniques enable us to deliver precision, scalability, and durability while optimizing production costs and time to market.